Saturday, August 29, 2009

snakes, cheering, housework and movies

My exciting life...

Remember how I told you about having to get all new tires in my previous post? Well I lost a hubcap shortly after that in my small town. You would think that I would be able to find it. I drove around town for about 45 minutes looking for this stupid hubcap. Guess I'll just have to buy a new one. Ugh.

One of my students told me the other day that her sister has lice and that she also saw a snake. Not only was it a snake, it was also a dog. Half snake-half dog. You know one of the combination type one of animals... I asked the girl, "was one eating the other one?" She said, "no, it's a combination." A little boy who was also at the table said, "I don't believe her. She is making that up. There is no such thing." Well, I'm here to tell you one of the above is true as she got sent home with lice later that week. The other snake thing I'm not so sure about.

The other night I put away all of my clean laundry and heard applause/cheering immediately after I was finished coming from outside. People were excited I put away my clean clothes. Woo!! The applause/cheering absolutely had nothing to do with the little league ball game going on down the street. Nope not one bit.

I have been avoiding housework all day long. I have been quite successful with this task. The housework needs to happen before Friday because my mom and sister are coming up here for Labor Day weekend. I get to show them all around my wonderful town. We are also going to Nashville one day, and Huntsville the other day. Hopefully they will enjoy their time here. I am so excited to have them here!

I went to the little movie theatre here in town tonight by myself to see Julie and Julia. It was very cute (both the movie and the theatre). The theatre was basically an auditorium with a stage and a screen set up. But hey, I'm not complaining, it's the closest movie theatre to my house. The only thing is it's funny how we get used to having stadium seats in theatres these days. I remember when there weren't stadium seats.

I haven't really had the opportunity to go fatcats-ing (the verb). But when the opportunity arises. I will tell you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I will be documenting my adventures in my life here in small town, Tennessee. I recently graduated from graduate school and now I'm working at my first real job post graduation.

Also, I just happen to be "that girl" that everything happens to. You know when you think, oh that would never happen... Well it does, and it happens to me.

And if you are wondering what fatcats-ing means, don't worry you are not the only one. Only a few know what it means, and you will find out in due time.

Let me just start off with a story of yesterday/today. This just proves to be one of the only benefits of living in a small town. Ready? Ok here we go...
So yesterday on my way home from Walmart (yes there is a walmart), I hit a curb with my rear right tire after i turned onto another road. I heard this huge pop sound, and then the lovely sound of a flat tire. I pulled into a gas station and called my local "State Farm representative" to ask about roadside assistance. I talked to a local tire place and they came and put on my spare (I didn't know how, but now I do) and within 5 minutes from hanging up I was following the guy back to the shop. I got 4 new tires in less than 30 minutes. The price was a little better than anywhere I have ever gotten tires as well. After getting my new tires, I also realized that my car needed an oil change. I didn't feel like going so I waited until today to go. I pulled in to a quick change place. The worker said, "oh we don't do oil changes." Then this other worker came out and said "He's new. Sorry." I waited for about 5 minutes in the lobby then the "new guy" comes in and says we had just enough oil to do your car." And with that my car was done. This is probably one of the few benefits of living in small town, Tennessee.

There are more stories that have already occurred, and I will use them for the day when nothing happens.